Best Band Clubs in Sliema

Local Recommendations from our My Guide Malta team

Bands Clubs in Malta have a unique role in village pride and Maltese social culture. The band club's premises is a meeting point for locals who exchange village gossip, play snooker, or engage in activities related to the local village festa.

The activities of the band club extend to preparing elaborate hand-made street decorations for the local feast dedicated to the Patron Saint of the village, or managing fire-works production for the same occasion, and often includes a youth section and a women's section. The approaching village festa provides the climax of excitement, with rivalry quite the norm when two or more band clubs exist in the same village. Club followers may paint themselves from head to toe in the colour representative of their club to show their allegiance to it, singing (yelling) chants and causing quite a theatrical scene, while the dignified band members are dressed in their finest with shiny brass instruments to flaunt their musical skills on this extra special day dedicated to their Patron Saint. There is no argument that band clubs are an intrinsic part of Maltese village life. Delve deeper into Maltese Band Club culture by referring to those listed and do check out their 360 virtual tours!